Refleksi : Our Role Is Not Our Reward

June 25, 2016
“Our role is not our reward, Jesus is. Roles will begin and they will end. The only way for us to end well is to have our hearts recalibrated, Jesus must increase and we must decrease.

What rises in your heart at the thought of Jesus giving another person a more prominent role in His Wedding? How much do you long to have a more prominent role? How well are you prepared to let go of the role He has given you? What if He gives another your role?

In our individual and temporary earthly roles, the Wedding is not about us. It’s about Jesus and His bride. And we should never compete with the Bridegroom for the bride’s attention and affection.”

(Jon Bloom, in “Things Not Seen”:
A Fresh Look At Old Stories Of Trusting God’s Promises, 2015: Desiring God,
Chapter 2 Page 31, “He Must Increase But I Must Decrease”—
John Baptist And Humility)

p.s. :
(Personal Reflection)

We don’t need to compare ourselves and our works to others. Believe, that God has already given each of us, the beatiful part, the unique roles, to prepare the Wedding. You may see your part differently from God: you think it is easy, small, unsignificant—but you are absolutely wrong. Every part or role, if we do in His calling & in His will (in “yes” to Him), is always be important to Him. The thought of comparison, or the feeling that we do the unsignificant part or roles for His Wedding and Kingdom, may become the signs, that we are struggling with our inner conflict. Our pride, our selfish ambition. But again, we must remind, “He must increase but i must decrease.

It’s not about our part or role, that is important—
Our role is not our reward—
Jesus is.

(Cikarang, June 25th, 2016)

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