She Is Clothed In Strength & Dignity

December 31, 2015


by Joyce Meyer

Whether we look at Miriam, Deborah, Esther or Ruth in the Old Testament or Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene or Priscilla in the New Testament, we easily see that God has always used women in ministry.

When He needed someone to save the Jews from the destruction that wicked Haman had planned for them, He called upon Esther. She saved her nation and became a queen who held a high position of leadership in the land.

Deborah was a prophetess and a judge. As a prophetess she was a spokesperson for God and as a judge she made decisions on God’s behalf.

Many women helped care for and support Jesus during his life and ministry. Women were at the cross when He died and first at the empty tomb. God used these women in the most important events in Jesus’ life. Women ministered both to and with Jesus and when 120 people gathered in the upper room on the day of Pentecost, the count included women. God gave women a place of honor. God throughout history has used women to do major things in His kingdom.

God wants to use you. If you will give God what you have, no matter how little and ineffective you may think it is, God will use it and give you back more than you gave Him. God can take something that you’ve had all your life and thought was of little importance and use it to accomplish great things. This only happens when you are willing to acknowledge its potential and place it in His hands. Give God what you have and be amazed at what He can do.

p.s. :

Berhubung tumblr tidak bisa di-repost ke halaman blogger, jadilah saya meng-copy-paste ini. Foto dalam halamannya keren, menurut saya. Terkait dengan pemikiran feminis, mungkin tulisan ini membuktikan juga bahwa perempuan memainkan peran penting di dalam pelayanan Yesus, di mata Yesus. Dari dulu, sampai dengan saat ini. Saya jadi teringat salah satu buku yang sangat saya suka, yang membahas masalah feminisme juga dalam sudut pandang Kristiani yang tidak bias gender (meski ditulis oleh seorang laki-laki). Judulnya, Woman: God’s Secret Weapon, oleh Ed Silvoso. Recommended, untuk memahami betapa perempuan dan laki-laki diciptakan Tuhan untuk peran yang sama pentingnya—dan yang paling jarang disadari keduanya adalah ketika

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