Calvary Journey: It Will Never Be Easy

October 27, 2018

Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash

Why I expect easy path for my calling & life journey, when I have already known that it will never be easy to bear the Calvary cross?

“I deliberately vow, and bind myself, under pain of mortal sin, to refuse Jesus no sacrifice, which I clearly see He is asking from me.” (William Doyle). “Ask Jesus not to allow me to refuse Him anything, however small. I [would] rather die.” (Mother Teresa). – Can I say the same vow like them, someday?

To refuse Jesus no sacrifice?
To refuse Jesus no sacrifice.

Can I?

p.s. :

She knew that God loved her and she trusted that His will for her would always be an expression of that unfailing love, however difficult or even impossible it might be at times to fathom His designs. (Mother Teresa: Come, Be My Light: The Private Writings of the ‘Saint of Calcutta’. Page 33). Then, trust His (sincere) intention, and rest in His (perfect & real) love. Trust, without border. And follow, in patient endurance & perseverance. With all resilience.

Self, have a good fight.

(A Self-Reflection. Depok, October 2018: dituliskan dan diabadikan di dalam halaman personal blog ini sebagai pengingat di masa depan nanti, agar tak lupa, tentang pergumulan mengikat janji ini,)

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